
About Me (Thomas)

Hello, my name is Thomas. I'm currently 16 years old and reside in Laguns Hills, California. I'm 5'11, 218 lbs as of writing this and I also play guard in football. I suck at football, so I never go in but the sport is fun so I figured I'd stay in it. I'm also in mixed martial arts, and you never really know how hard MMA fighters work until you join it. I don't really have to much time for videogames anynmore, and although I would love to play videogames on my computer all day, I just don't have the time. It really sucks because you have no idea how badly I want to play Skyrim or Madden sometimes.


About my school life: I attend Laguna Hills Highschool and I'm in 11th grade. I'm in 6 classes, one being football so I wouldn't really consider it a class. My grades kind of suck, I have three C's, one B and one A, so that kind of shows you that I'm not a Harvard student. I would say the biggest reason why my grades suck so much is because I'm just to lazy to do the work. Adults tell me I'm smart and all that, but I really don't like to do homework. Tests aren't really what kills me the most, but homework is just my complete grade killer.